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Monorepo Turborepo Boilerplate

This is a monorepo boilerplate powered by Turborepo.

What’s inside?

This Turborepo includes the following packages and apps:

Apps and Packages

Each package and app is 100% Typescript.


This turborepo has some additional tools already setup for you:

Using this boilerplate

If you want to use this in the interim, you run the following command:

git clone
cd turborepo-boilerplate
yarn install

Changing the NPM organization scope

The NPM organization scope for this design system starter is @my. To change this, it’s a bit manual at the moment, but you’ll need to do the following:

Publishing packages


If you want to publish package to the public NPM registry and make them publicly available, this is already setup for you.

To publish packages to a private NPM organization scope, remove the following from each of the package.json’s

- "publishConfig": {
-  "access": "public"
- },

GitHub Package Registry

See Working with the npm registry